Better To Give Gets Better And Better!

First, there are so many to thank for GIVING and being part of the first Better To Give of 2020! Thank you to Studio Barre in Carmel Valley for holding a special fundraiser class and accepting donations at their location. This year we were blessed with multiple collection sites and even a storage space from Associated Self Storage. With that we were able to store the many donations that came in from so many San Diego Star listeners. Batta Fulkerson and the La Jolla Comedy Store also collected donations of items for distribution!

Thank you to the many Star listeners, special shout out to Doris and Andrew Castillo for donating tarps! Shout out to Jodi Basher, who took upon herself to ask her friends and family, even posted in her neighborhood app that she was collecting for Better To Give. Thank you to all the volunteers, new and old, that came out to serve and got right into it. Better To Give continues to grow and gets better and better, so much so that we ran out of homeless people to serve and was left with so many donations that can carry over to the next event in April.

For anyone new to Better To Give, it is a homeless outreach that happens quarterly and started with three Moms handing out water to the homeless in San Diego. It has grown to more Moms, Dads, teens, and families collecting some items to give a little relief to the homeless. We know we won't cure homelessness, but we also know that 'Every one can be great, because anybody can serve!' thanks to Martin Luther King Jr.

Here are some photos and videos of Sunday's service.

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